Men’s Work

My involvement with Men’s Work spans almost three decades. I believe it is essential for men to develop the potential to embody our most mature masculine qualities; where power and strength are not compromised but shared and informed by love, compassion and responsibility.

My own psychological journey began within the men’s movement in the late 1980’s, and it has been a cornerstone in my life-long quest to develop as a man. I have had significant male mentors in my life, and have been greatly influenced by the work of: Michael Meade, Robert Bly, Robert Moore and others. I have participated in and facilitated Men’s groups, counsels, and retreats.

An honest examination of the world today indicates that men do need to step up, challenge one another to be better, and support each other in the process of maturation. The condition of our society, environment, and relational life points to the need for men to have access to our power while maintaining a fuller awareness that insures against acting out of dangerous and immature forms of self-interest and entitlement. Too many men in power today tend to be threatened by any genuine display of emotion or vulnerability. They are tight, quick to anger, and rigid. In fact, they are emotionally fragile. They don’t know how to touch their genuine humility, and connect with something bigger than themselves. They are ineffectual as they are cut off from their own humanity and sense of connectedness to others. They tend towards isolation and depression.Because of the abuses of power that many men have experienced or witnessed coming from other men, some men have become fearful or cut off from embodying their fullest strength and vitality. They become meek and ineffectual. Careers and relationships suffer due to a man being weak.

The integrated man is able to know his strengths and own his liabilities, and to bring these forward in an honest and humble manner in the company of others.

At this time, I am supporting men in discovering and developing their innate healthy masculine expression solely through the work of couple therapy.
